Thursday, 17 December 2009

Ffrindiau Theatr Harlech Friends

Dyma'r cynigion arbennig sydd ar gael i ffrindiau Theatr Harlech yn y Flwyddyn Newydd. I ymaelodi, ffoniwch 01766 780667. Y pris am flwyddyn yw £15 i unigolion, a £25 i deuluoedd.

Here are the special offers for Theatr Harlech Friends in the New Year. To join, call 01766 780667. A years memberships costs £15 for individuals, and £25 for families.

Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Nadolig Llawen gan Theatr Harlech
Merry Christmas from Theatr Harlech

Mi fydd y Theatr ar gau o ddydd Llun 21 Rhagfyr, hyd at Ionawr 4ydd, ond peidiwch anghofio am y ffilmiau anhygoel sydd yma yn y flwyddyn newydd.

The theatre will be closed from Mon 21 December, 4 January inclusive, but don't forget about the fantastic films we'll be showing in the new year

  • Bright Star (PG) - 7-9 Ionawr/January

  • Atanarjuat (15) - 10 Ionawr/January

  • Twilight Saga: New Moon (12A) 14-16 Ionawr/January

  • Couscous (15) - 21 Ionawr/January

  • Planet 51(PG) - 28-30 Ionawr/January 4pm

  • Men Who Stare at Goats (12A) 28-30 Ionawr/January 7:30pm

Gobeithio y gwelwn ni chi yn y Flwyddyn Newydd!
Hope to see you in the New Year!

Thursday, 10 December 2009

Half Term Hip Hop Hanner Tymor

Dychwelodd Ffion Williams i'r Theatr ym mis Hydref i redeg 3 diwrnod o ddosbarthiadau dawnsio Hip Hop.

Dance tutor Ffion Williams returned to the theatre in October for 3 days of high energy hip hop classes.

Gwynedd's Got Talent

Ennillwyr y Gystadleuaeth / Winners Announced!

Diolch i bawb a gymerodd ran yn y gystadleuaeth Gwynedd's Got Talent, a llongyfarchiadau mawr i Genod Harlech-daethant yn gyntaf gyda'u grwp dawns!

A big thanks to everyone who took part in Gwynedd's Got Talent, and a huge well-done to Genod Harlech- who came first and won the £100 prize money with their fantastic dance act!

Friday, 20 November 2009

Gwynedd's Got Talent

Gwynedd's Got Talent.... yn dathlu talentau trigolion Gwynedd.

Dwy noson llawn hwyl a sbort- cawsom ddawnswyr, cantorion, cerddorion a hyd yn oed gi yn perfformio triciau ar ein llwyfan! Ymunwch â ni Nos Sadwrn Rhagfyr 5ed am 7pm am y rownd derfynol.

Two nights showcasing the talent the people of Gwynedd have to offer. We had singers, dancers, instrumentalists, a magician and even a dancing dog on our stage! Join us on December 5th at 7pm for the live Finals.

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Wendy Cope!

If you are looking for advice on how to mend a broken heart then poet Wendy Cope has the answer:

1. Don't see him. Don't phone or write a letter.
2. The easy way: get to know him better.

These lines provide an insight into the wry and ironic humor of one of Britain’s best loved and most most widely read poets. Theatr Harlech are delighted that Wendy Cope has accepted the invitation on Friday 9 October 7.30pm to give her slightly seditious and totally frank session on the subject of men and other unsatisfactory elements of day to day life!

Bloody men are like bloody buses
You wait for about a year
And as soon as one approaches your stop
Two or three others appear.

You look at them flashing their indicators,
Offering you a ride.
You're trying to read their destinations,
You haven't much time to decide.

If you make a mistake, there is no turning back.
Jump off, and you'll stand there and gaze
While the cars and the taxis and lorries go by
And the minutes, the hours, the days.

Wendy Cope was voted Radio 4’s number one choice for Poet Laureate and her collection fo poems If I don’t know was nominated for the Whitbread Poetry Prize.
This will be a fresh and entertaining poetry reading followed by a question and answer session from the quiet phenomenon who has proved that quality can be popular! Signed copies of her poetry will be on sale after the reading. Tickets are available from the box office 01766 780667 for £8 (£10 on the door) or online from

The day he moved out was terrible-
That evening she went through hell.
His absence wasn’t a problem
But the corkscrew had gone as well.

Monday, 5 October 2009

Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru

Tyner Yw'r Lleuad Heno

Byddwch yn barod i brofi theatr Gymraeg ar ei orau wrth i Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru ymweld â Theatr Harlech am y tro cyntaf i berfformio drama gomisiwn newydd Meic Povey, Tyner yw’r Lleuad Heno nos Fercher 14eg, nos Iau 15fed a nos Wener y 16eg o Hydref am 7:30yh.

Cewch gyfle i fod gyda’r cyntaf i weld drama gignoeth newydd gan un o ddramodwyr amlycaf Cymru, a’r ddrama honno yn cael ei pherfformio gan brif gwmni theatr Cymru. Mae Meic Povey yn gyfarwydd iawn ag ysgrifennu i’r theatr a’r teledu, ac wedi ennill cydnabyddiaeth fel un o ddramodwyr Cymreig gorau ein cyfnod. Ef fydd hefyd yn cyfarwyddo’r cynhyrchiad sy’n cynnwys Merfyn Pierce Jones, Ffion Dafis, Buddug Povey ac Owen Garmon fel rhai o aelodau’r cast o saith.

Yn ystod y pum mlynedd ddiwethaf mae Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru wedi cynhyrchu cyfres o berfformiadau llwyddiannus gan lwyddo i ddenu cynulleidfaoedd yn eu miloedd i’r theatrau i weld cynyrchiadau fel Tŷ Bernada Alba, Siwan a Porth y Byddar. Mae’r cwmni ar fin cychwyn cyfnod o ddatblygu wrth iddynt arbrofi ag arddulliau o lwyfannu a theithio i ardaloedd newydd, gan ymestyn eu baner ‘genedlaethol’.

Drama gref sydd â chyffyrddiadau ffraeth ynddi yw Tyner yw’r Lleuad Heno, gan eich arwain ar daith emosiynol gyffrous wrth i deulu ddatgelu eu cyfrinachau tywyll. Cewch weld drama bwerus llawn tensiwn a throeon annisgwyl, a phrofi theatr ar ei orau yma yn Theatr Harlech.

Archebu Tocynnau
Gwnewch yn siwr nad ydych yn colli’ch cyfle i weld y ddrama gyffrous hon! Mae tocynnau ar werth am £10 (£5 gostyngiadau) o flaen llaw (£12.50 ar y drws), felly archebwch nawr drwy ffonio ein Swyddfa Docynnau ar 01766 780667.

Thursday, 24 September 2009

Wardrobe Diaries

When we saw the picture of this show in rehearsal we thought ‘We want to go to that!’ so we wanted to show you too! This show is by a brand new and very ambitious Welsh theatre company called Citrus Arts. It is all about that time when you clear out your wardrobe and you find things like your favourite Spiderman pyjamas, the clothes that belonged to your grandparents, all those odd fancy dress costumes from parties long forgotten and the clothes you bought on a whim but never wear.

It takes place on 20 foot poles which are usually used in the Chinese circus! And, as you can see from the photo, there are two tonnes of clothing on stage used in inventive ways by the international cast of actors. The show feature music by Ted Barnes (composer to Beth Orton) and the lively soulful beats of Mr Scruff. The performance is at Theatr Harlech on Sunday September 27 at 6pm. Tickets are £8 (£5 for children) in advance or £10 on the door.

Mae’r sioe hon yn gwbl newydd, wedi ei chreu gan gwmni ffres Cymreig o’r enw Citrus Arts. Mae’r sioe wedi ei selio ar y syniad o agor eich cwpwrdd dillad a darganfod pethau nad ydych wedi ei weld na gwisgo ers blynyddoedd- pethau y prynoch ar hap un diwrnod, neu hen drwsus pajamas sydd bellach dwy droedfedd yn rhy fyr i chi!

Caiff y sioe ei berfformio ar bolynion 20 troedfedd o dal, uwchben 2 dunell o ddillad wedi eu gwasgaru ar y llwyfan mewn ffyrdd arbennig a chlyfar. Bydd y sioe yn cael ei berfformio yn Theatr Harlech Nos Sul, Medi 27 am 6yh. Pris am docyn oflaen llaw yw £8 i oedolion, £5 i blant, a £10 ar y drws.

The company are also doing workshops, for those of you who want to learn a bit about how to do Chinese pole, on Friday 25 4-6pm, Saturday 26 11-1pm and Sunday 27 2-4pm at a cost of £6 per session. open to adults and children over 12.

Bydd y cwmni hefyd yn cynal gweithdai ynghyd a’u perfformiad o ‘The Wardrobe Diaries’, felly i’r rhai ohonoch sydd eisiau dysgu sut i wneud acrobatiaeth ac awyrgampau fel y goreuon, dewch yn llu! Bydd y gweithdai yn cael eu rhedeg Dydd Gwener Medi 25 4-6yh, Sadwrn, Medi 26 11-1yh a Sul Medi 27 2-4yh. Pris y gweithdai fydd £6 y sesiwn. Addas ar gyfer oedran 12+.

Tuesday, 1 September 2009


¡Viva! Spanish and Latin American Festival of Film and Dance

Join us in a celebration of all things Spanish! From September 9th to the 12th, the theatre will be holding dance classes and showing screenings of classic Spanish films.

Join Neti Cockett in an introductory class to Flamenco dancing on Wednesday, September 9th at 7pm. Get ready to dance the night away in this special Spanish workshop for only £6 (£8 on the door). No previous experience necessary.

On Thursday 10th at 7:30pm, there will be a screening of the Spanish film, Secrets of the Heart. Set in provincial Spain in the 1960’s, the film depicts a child’s journey towards adulthood. Few films have so effectively captured the world of a child’s perceptions.

Bring along your dancing shoes on Saturday 12th for a Cuban dancing workshop. From 11am-5pm, Bill and Gaynor Jones will be teaching all the best Cuban dances- from the Cha-Cha, to the Merengue, to the classic Salsa. Again, no experience necessary, just a passion for the dance! The price for the workshop is £10 in advance, £12 on the door.

The dance inspired day will conclude with a screening of Tango at 7:30pm, a film by Carlos Saura, about one man’s quest to create the ultimate tango film.

There’s something for everyone in this special festival, so come along! Prices for the films are £5 for adults, £4 for children.

Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Castell Harlech

Sioeau yng Nghastell Harlech!

Twelfth Night- The Lord Chamberlain's Men
Awst 4 August 7.30pm

Perfformiad gwych gan y cwmni poblogaidd o fewn furiau ysblennydd y castell.

The Lord Chamberlain's Men return to Harlech with Shakespeare's romantic summer comedy of mistaken identity, infatuation and broken hearts. Shipwrecked and fearing her twin brother dead, Viola is swept onto the shores of Illyria. Disguising herself as a boy, she takes a post in the Duke’s court and, on his behalf, attempts to woo his loved one, the Lady Olivia.

Don’t miss this 5 star company’ The Guardian

Oedolion / Adults: £12 (£14 on the door)
Plant / Children: £7.50 (£9 on the door)

Dance Week / Dyddiau Dawns
Awst 3-7 August

Dewch i fwynhau 5 diwrnod o ddawns i bobl ifainc ac oedolion beth bynnag eich profiad. Bydd tiwtoriaid proffesiynnol yn arwain.

5 days of dance with children and adults of all levels with Independent Ballet Wales, culminating in a new specially commissioned show at Harlech Castle.

Ffoniwch 01766 780667 neu ewch ar ein gwefan am ragor o wybodaeth.
Call 01766 780667 or go to our website for further details.

Awst 15 August 7:30pm

Catrin Finch a'i thelynnau electrig yn ail-greu ar newydd-wedd rhai o alawon gwerin Cymraeg mwyaf poblogaidd. Yn ymuno â Catrin fydd band o 5 cerddor amryddawn.

Catrin Finch’s latest project reinvigorates some of Wales’s most traditional folk tunes as well as some of her own original compositions. Performing along to some cool beats and a five piece jazz band, Catrin will be fronting the show on 2 electric harps enhanced by some new groundbreaking sound effects.

“It’s so exciting to be performing in this wonderful Castle, which is such an important part of Wales’s heritage.” Catrin Finch

Oedolion / Adults: £15(£18 on the door)
Plant / Children: £10 (£13 on the door)

A Midsummer Night's Dream- Illyria
Awst 20 August 7:30pm

Perfformiad o un o ffefrynnau Shakespeare.

One young couple are hopelessly in love, another are in denial, the Duke can't wait to get his hands on his bride-to-be - and the fairy King and Queen hate each other's guts. Deep in the forest Puck makes a careless mistake, and the consequences escalate into absolute uproar. Performed with a magical twist, international award-winning Illyria’s production of this perennial Shakespeare favourite is passionate, poetic and very very funny.

Oedolion / Adults: £12(£14 on the door)
Plant / Children: £7.50 (£9 on the door)